The Everything Workshop

I’m chuffed you’re interested in my first-ever full-day in-person workshop. After appearing on loads of podcasts, webinars, and online workshops, I thought it was about time I brought a personal dream to fruition, 

I am known for my Social Media knowledge but I have so much more to offer and none of it is airy fairy advice. It’s all solid dependable ideas and strategies which I have nurtured for years.

The day will take place on Friday 8th March 2024 just a minute’s walk from Stoke-on-Trent train station within The Quarter At Potbank restaurant on the Spode heritage site.

The Running Order

This is a proposed running order so far. The arrival and end times are nailed on but the content of the day may shift around a little. I’ve left a large portion open for lunch but I’m hoping this won’t need to be full and we can crack on with more content.

The Social Evening is extra to give you a chance to make better connections with myself and everyone else who has been to the day.

Friday 8th March 2024

  • 09:00 – 09:30 | Arrival
  • 09:30 – 10:30 | Pre-Wedding Marketing
    • Overall Strategy
    • “Ideal Client”
    • Video Call
    • Educating
  • 10:30 – 10:45 | Break
  • 10:45 – 12:00 | How I Photograph
    • Building A Style
    • Shoot To Edit
    • Understanding Light
    • Flash
    • Logistics & Planning
  • 12:00 – 13:30 | Lunch (included in ticket price)
  • 13:30 – 14:30 | Post Processing
    • Import Process
    • Culling
    • Editing
    • Album Design
  • 14:30 – 14:45 | Break
  • 14:45 – 16:00 | Post-Wedding Marketing
    • Gallery Setup
    • Gallery Marketing – Pic-Time
    • Instagram
    • TikTok
  • 16:00 – Onwards | End + Social Evening

Your Seat - £325

Along with making my dream come true, you will also get;

  • Admission to The Everything Workshop.
  • My singular Lightroom Preset I use for everything.
  • Lightroom Brush Pack.
  • Access to a Real Full Gallery.
  • Digital Access to my 2023 Instagram Workshop.

All of the extras above will be delivered post-workshop.

At current there are 7 tickets left.

Why This Workshop?

Kitchen Sink

There is a reason this is called The Everything Workshop. It's becasue I'm trying to throw as much as possible into this workshop making it the best value for money you could spend at the start of 2024 to improve your business.

Insta360 Playground

As you may or may not know but I've been lucky enough to have been sponsored by Insta360 for several videos over the last couple of years. This sponsorship came around because of my love for 360 BTS content. You will get the chance to play with my 360 gear on the day.

Guaranteed Payback

I'm not going to sit here and guarantee six figure incomes or anything obscene but what I will say is you will make your money back and then a lot more fairly easily. Hopefully this will reoccur and grow year on year.

Help Promise

As people know I am very generous with my support and that will only increase ten fold should you pay to come along. So if you ever find yourself in a tough spot needing support then I'm always happy to help and talk you through it.

No Narcissism

It's kind of hard to promise this when the workshop is about what I do and how I do it but what I mean by the title is that I won't spend ages talking about myself, my journey or my photographs if they don't add takeaway content for you to learn from. I promise there will be no Best Of Slideshow.